Thursday, May 27, 2010


I've should of never trusted Wheeling HS when they told me that i should consider the idea of going to Vanguard HS!!!
they told me if i wouldn't go they would make me sign the dropout papers when i turn seventeen!
my consular said if i tried Vanguard for at least till the end of the year i could go back, i was first thinking of not coming back, but after seeing how the VHS system works i right away knew i could beat it but when time passed i couldn't handle it no more because i was waisting my time every day i came and step on this skool!!!!!
Dont think i didn't do anything about it i did, i would talk to my consulars from both skools and tell them that i didn't feel confortable at all, they would say "well we need to talk to your mom and tell that we are going to make a meting so we can talk about it". The true is that i don't think they want to give another chance because i've been getting into trouble for stupid reasons.
Teachers should consider were do students want to go school at! but i don't think they would because the state is paying the school for each student that goes to VHS... Im tired of their way of thinking, they might have some reasons but they r trying to control someone's elses life and future!!!!

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